Narviksenteret er mandag og tirsdag 20.–21. juni vert for første del av sluttkonferansen til forsknings- og formidlingsprosjektet «In a World of Total War: Norway 1939–1945». Foredragene holdes på engelsk og er åpne for publikum så langt som plassen rekker. Konferansen forflytter seg videre til Tromsø og fortsetter på UiT onsdag og torsdag 22.–23. juni.



Sted: Narviksenterets auditorium.

13.30–14.15 Key lecture:
1. Pieter Lagrou: Memories of the Second World War in the New Europe, 1989–2022”.


14.45–16.45 Panel 1: The memory of war and occupation 1
2. Synne Corell: “Invasion and Liberation: The Occupation of Norway during WWII in Public Memory 1945–1995”.
3. Sigurd Sørlie: “Norway, the Second World War, and the Decay of Patriotic Memory, 1990–2020”.
4. Stian Bones: The State and the Freedom. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Meaning of the Second World War”.



Sted: Narviksenterets auditorium.

09.30–10.15 Key lecture:
5. Henrik Meinander: “Germany’s grip on the far north 1940–1945: A Finnish-Norwegian-Swedish perspective”.

10.15–12.00 Panel 2: The memory of war and occupation 2
6. Carl Emil Vogt: “King Haakon: The Symbol H7 in Wartime and Beyond”.
7. Joakim Aalmen Markussen: “Northern Narratives: Competing Memories of the Second World War in North Norway”.
8. Kjetil A. Jakobsen: “Could film help us to a better understanding of World War II history?”.

12.15–13.15 Presentations
9. Kari Aga Myklebost: Presentation of the research project “Memory Politics of the North 1993– An interplay perspective”.
10. Palle Ydstebø: Introduction to the Narvik campaign 1940.



Sted: Auditorium B-1005, UiT

09.00–09.45 Key lecture:
11. Patrick Salmon: “Norway’s war in geopolitical perspective”.

09.45–11.45 Panel 3: Norway and the great powers. New aspects and perspectives
12. Tony Insall: “Bilateral cooperation: the value of the SOE and SIS contributions in Norway”.
13. Rolf Hobson: “German Occupation and British Blockade: How Norwegian Authorities sought to Feed the Population, 1940–41”.
14. Sven G. Holtsmark: “The Soviet Union and Norway 1941–46: Stalin preparing for post-war influence?”.

Panel 4: Everyday life and minorities 1
15. Gunnar D. Hatlehol:“German propaganda institutions in occupied Norway, 1940–1945: Between hegemony and polycracy”.
16. Jukka Nyyssönen: “The occupant’s view on the Sami”.
17. Gaute Lund Rønnebu: “The pragmatic neutrality of the Norwegian Red Cross, 1940–1945”.

Panel 5: Everyday life and minorities 2
18. Marianne Neerland Soleim: “Soviet prisoners of war and the northern Norwegian civilian society”.
19. Bjørg Evjen: “Occupation and Everyday Life in the north”.
20. Torgeir E. Sæveraas: “The Wehrmacht in the ‘Destiny Zone of the War’. Strategic-ideological background and practical effects of German military presence in Norway”.

Panel 6: Neutral and exiled: Sweden and Norway
21. Magnus Petersson: [on the significance of the war-time experiences for post-war relations between Sweden and Norway – TBC]
22. Kurt Henrik Dalmo: “The Norwegian Campaign 1940 – Swedish Support to the Belligerent Countries at Narvik”.
23. Pavol Jakubec: “Small, Not One-Size: Governments-in-Exile. Resources and Status in Allied London”.



Sted: Auditorium B-1005, UiT

09.30–10.15 Key lecture:
24. Niels Bo Poulsen: “Forever besieged? – Russia’s struggle with the legacy of the Great Patriotic War”.

10.15–10.45 Presentation
25. Fredrik Fagertun: “A parallel project: The three-volume work on The Second World War in the Norwegian north. To be launched in the coming autumn”.

11.15–13.00 Panel 6: New aspects of the occupation regime
26. Hans Otto Frøland: “German mobilisation of the occupation economies in Denmark and Norway”.
27. Eirik Holmen: “How was the mobilization of the Norwegian Shipyard Industry organized, and what does it communicate about the occupation regime?”.
28. Bjørn-Petter Finstad: “Fischeinkaufgemeinschaft Norwegenand the German Exploitation of the Fishing Resources – An Institutional Approach”.